Friday, 10 July 2015


My birthday this year is quiet simple. First celebration as a husband and wife and plus it's in Holy Ramadhan 1436H. A first Ramadhan as a husband and wife together with first mine birthday celebration as husband and wife also. Masya-Allah. What a great moment. Quick throwback, our first meeting also in Ramadhan last 2 years 

Around 5 minutes after the clock turn 12am on 9th July 2015, husbaby suprise me with something hide into his back of his pant. Hahaha. And I was like really shocked because I knew him as a person that doesn't really know how to suprise people. And YES I do crying that time. LOL, what a typical girl I am. 

Jeng ... Jeng... Jeng

He actually bought me a flower. What's really matter is, before this I kept asking him to buy me flower up to hundreds times, but he never did. In one case, when we were having quick vacation In Cameron Highland, he asked me to pick a flower by myself and he pay for it. LOL. That's not the way of giving a flower that I ever imagined. I refused that time, but last night I really couldn't resist his sweet suprise. This flower is from Japan technology, it does living up to 10 years. 

I think it's a great effort for someone like him to do research about a flower before buying for it for me. Auwwww. 

Before this, his plan was actually want to take me to a birthday dinner at Menara KL. It's suppose to be a suprise. But, accidently he use my phone to search for some information about it and forgot to clear my browser history. 

Hewhewhew... And after discussion, I've told him no need to waste money on this, instead we will celebrate Raya in one more week. It's okay. We can postpone it. I still want a dinner for both of us. And it just meant to be at the foodcourt at One Utama. We both love their Nasi Goreng Wok over there.

Just as simple as I wish, as the most precious gift that I ever had this year, is you My Husband. You are the apple of my eyes. 

P/S : My clumsy husbaby accidently left the receipt of the flowers on our makeup table. Hahaha. I snoop at it at first and then I thought, I still appreciate his effort to bring a little suprise.

With lots of love, I always love you Husbaby <3    X.O.X.O.