Wednesday, 9 July 2014

Happy Me

I started my 25th moments yesterday with a song sing by unauthorized singer at all, Mr AZ. This CRAZY OLD MAN really put an effort to make sure he's the one to wish for me. Well, what else I can say... "speecless" even though I re-act like euwwww... 

Dear Allah, Thanks for the chances You are giving me. As the automatically added one number to my age, I hope it will adding a million numbers of my faithful to my entire life. I am not regret of being old, as I know 25 isn't too old, but for certain people, they are really exaggerate about this age issue. 

Being old for me is being more closer to death. No one can escape from it. It's not a promise that you have to be old to meet the death, so... being able to enjoy your birthday is actually a bonus for a day as you are not die yet. Make sense huh. It's Allah whose determine it all. As His humble and try-to-be obedient "slave" , I 'll take this birthday date as the day for me to try to obey His order as much as I can. Who know when we will die right?

Honestly, I really felt being love on my birthday. hahaha... On my facebook's timeline full with the wishes all-day long. Long time friends that we haven't contacting each other also showed up on the timeline <3 it makes all the memories rolling in back in my mind. AHHHHH, I miss all of you.

Dear AZ, 
Hey, I am turning 25 already. I am not getting younger you know. Please start saving your money and buy me a ring. hehehe... I don't want a ring with a big-shiny diamond on it, I just want a simple one as long I know you will be there beside me forever, either I am 25 or 52. So, then you can help me gaining more pahala BY being an obedient wife-of-yours in the later :)


Love XOXO -!!!